Help For Thinning Hair | Michael Anthony Salon Tips

Have you ever wanted to ask your stylist if your hair is thinning or receding? Maybe you've been afraid of finding out.…

Hello Spring! Frizzy Hair Tips From Mickey Bolek

Keeping frizz at bay is a huge dilemma for people, whether they are Michael Anthony Salon clients or not. In fact, this…

Big Bangs and Bold Color | Michael Anthony Salon All the Way

As hair stylists, it’s our job to keep you in-the-know when it comes to the style forecast of the hair world. If you’ve…

Hair Hues and Trends: Ombre and Balayage

Have you seen “that hair color” but aren’t sure what it’s called? You know, the kind that fades into a slightly lighter…

Love-Hate: Dr. Mickey’s Answers for Hair Relationship Issues

Okay, so I'm not really a "Doctor," but play along for a bit. It just so happens that lots (and lots) of people come to…

Oily Hair Woes and Over Washing: Fact or Fiction?

So you’re having a problem with oily hair… or so you think. There can be lots of reasons behind having oily hair or…

Men’s Haircuts and Styles | Mickey Says Embrace Change

Hey Guys, this one's for you. If you’ve been thinking about updating your style but aren’t quite sure which direction…

Express Yourself! Mickey’s Ideas for Great Hair in 2013

It is a wonderful experience every time a new client sits in my chair. Yet I'm amazed how often the first thing I hear…

Silky Smooth Locks With Awapuhi Wild Ginger Treatment

Texture and shine are topics that come up a lot here in the Salon. Our guests ask for help and advice, and Jerri, Da,…

The Truth About Curls: Love ’em or Loathe ’em?

During any day at the Salon, I have at least one guest in my chair who wants to talk about curls. Some want to make…

Bang Bang! Spicy Holiday Haircuts for Those Who Dare

Spice up your look this holiday season to create bold sophistication or fun playfulness. By adding fringe to a long,…

Home Alone: Holiday Hair Styling After You Leave the Salon

We've extended our Salon hours through the holiday season. We have stocked up with all the products and hair care tools…

“Every visit to Michael Anthony salon is lovely – from the moment you walk in the door.”

– Theresa