Mickey Says Support Small Business Saturday in Style: Yours!

Don't blink! Tucked between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, is one of our favorites--Small Business Saturday! We intend…

Mickey’s Hair Care Help Because … Baby It’s Cold Outside

The cold months are upon us (brrr...) so it’s time for cute sweaters and layered looks that will make you look like…

Great Hair for the Holidays: The Updo, Chignon and French Twist

An upcoming night out on the town, holiday parties, inaugural galas and more – these are exciting events here on…

Holiday Hair Styling: Follow-la-la-la 3 Scheduling Tips

If you can believe it, it is 'That Time' of year again! Halloween isn’t even over and stores are gearing up for the…

Gag Me With A Spoon: Are 80’s Hair Trends Coming Back?

In my career I have seen many hair trends come and go. Some of those trends keep reappearing every few years. Teased…

Hair: The Power To Transform

When you cut your hair, change your hairstyle, or try a new hair color, it can do more for your mood - for less money -…

Mickey’s Hair Trend Forecast: Curly, Colorful, Courageous!

Think that cooler weather means burrowing in and covering up? Well stop that thinking right now! Fall and winter hair…

Men’s Haircut Ideas: Is Your Hairstyle Dating You?

Hey guys, when is the last time you changed your hairstyle? Seriously. If you're still sporting (or trying to sport)…

“What kind of face shape do I have?”: Ask Mickey

We all have one. Face shape is determined by the shape of the skull and the hairline - not body weight. There is no…

The Power Pixie: Mickey Raves About Miley’s Hip Hairstyle

Facebook and Twitter are on fire with news that Miley Cyrus chopped off her locks in exchange for a rockin' new…

Mickey Bolek: Hot Weather Hair Help!

Who needs a headline when you have a head of hair telling you exactly what's going on outside?! When your hair has no…

OMG…Am I Going Bald? Mickey Answers Often Asked Question

As a hairdresser, I get asked a lot of the same questions over and over again. They are good questions. "Is my hair…

“Every visit to Michael Anthony salon is lovely – from the moment you walk in the door.”

– Theresa