Going Gray? Make It Fabulous With Vibrant, Silvery Tones
Should I color my hair to cover the incoming gray? How can I go from color to natural gray? Is it possible for my gray…
Mickey Bolek: Why Top Hair Stylists Keep on Learning
I recently attended a business seminar at a local university. My attention was captured by a poster on the wall that…
Mickey Bolek: Making Sense of Popular Hair Care Myths
Here at Micheal Anthony Salon there isn’t a day that goes by without a client asking about one ill-advised hair care…
Is a Pixie Cut Right For Me?
Pixie. If the name makes you think sweet and small, the modern versions of this classic short hairstyle will change…
Mickey Talks Hair Color: DIY vs. In-Salon Service
Lately, I have seen a lot of chatter on the internet comparing DIY (do-it-yourself) hair coloring with in-salon…
Shampoo Essentials. Hair Care. Healthy Hair.
How often should I wash my hair? This is a question that I hear frequently from my customers at Michael Anthony Salon.…
Mickey Bolek: What Your Hair Stylist Wants You to Know
Whenever I color, cut, or style someone’s hair I want the end result to be head-turning. I want perfect strangers…
Capitol Hill Hair Salon Tip: How To Get Head Turning Style
“What person in their right mind wouldn’t want this hair??!” Capitol Hill Hair Salon owner, Mickey Bolek (Michael…
Top Hair Stylist Mickey Bolek’s Tips for Healthy Summer Hair
Now that warm, sunny days are here it's time to think about how to take care of your hair when heading to the beach.…
Mickey Says No More Summer Frizz…Super Smooth Your Hair!
Do you have frizzy, kinky curls that resist - no, that fight - your efforts to control them? Have previous hair…
Go Back to the Future With Men’s Hairstyles
There’s nothing like the promise of a new season to make men want to clean up their hair styles. Spring 2014 brings a…
Your Hairdresser Knows Best: When It Comes to Hair Care Products
A battle has been waged for decades in our industry to keep professional hair care products out of drugstores,…
“Every visit to Michael Anthony salon is lovely – from the moment you walk in the door.”
– Theresa