Keeping frizz at bay is a huge dilemma for people, whether they are Michael Anthony Salon clients or not. In fact, this is probably within the top five on the complaint list from women with all types and lengths of hair. So, if you can relate then this is for you!
As we shift seasons, some simple adjustments to your daily hair care routine can help with frizz control and, in some cases, make the frizzies disappear altogether.
Warmer weather and extended exposure to the sun can complicate the situation further. Some of the disappointments you are experiencing may be the result of using commercial products labeled “anti-frizz” that end up weighing the hair down and even making it feel greasy and icky. Definitely a no-no. Ask your stylist. We can point you in a much better hair product direction.
“So how do I fight the frizz and win the battle once and for all?”
Keep in mind that weather and humidity are huge factors in “frizz frenzy.” Although you can’t always control temperature or climate, these elements might determine how much product to use and exactly which kind of treatment would be best.
If you are in need of an emergency 911 rescue, here are a few products that can make a world of difference: Awapuhi Wild Ginger Styling Treatment Oil, Gloss Drops, and Super Skinny Serum – all by Michael Anthony Salon DC.
Rub the product in the palms of both hands and distribute evenly through your hair, starting on the ends and working your way up to but not onto the scalp. With thick and/or longer hair, use a more generous amount but not too much. Again, ask your stylist and he or she will show you exactly how to get the best results for your hair and its very own frizz-control needs.
One final thought to leave you with… frizz may be an indicator that your hair is thirsty. In between salon visits, keep hair hydrated with moisturizing shampoos, conditioners and other products. Yes, frizz can be frightening but now victory can be yours!
Happy Spring! And, as always…
Enjoy your hair!