Here at Micheal Anthony Salon there isn’t a day that goes by without a client asking about one ill-advised hair care solution or another. Many of these promote the use of “alternative” or so-called “natural” products instead of hair care products. I would like to weigh in on why some of these at-home haircare remedies are just “myths.”
First, let me say that licensed professionals would never promote these hair care techniques. Some are passed along from friends and family members. Others are promoted in various popular culture sources. Just because the advice comes from a fashion magazine or YouTube video does not mean it came from a licensed pro. Chances are it did not. Here are two “myths” about hair care products I recently heard in the salon:
Apple cider vinegar rinse
This trend – to give your hair shine by rinsing with apple cider vinegar – is the one I hear about the most. I just don’t get it. Sure, the vinegar rinse will make your hair shine. But it is acidic. It will strip the natural moisture from your hair, leaving it dry and brittle over time. There are great clarifying shampoos that can do the same without compromising your hair.
“Shampooing” with baby powder
Some sources recommend the use of baby powder in between shampoos or instead of a shampoo. Yes, there are dry shampoos that contain powder. These are formulated to absorb oils on the scalp and help you get a day or two extra out of a blow-dry styling. Using baby powder to prolong or eliminate a shampoo can lead to undesired results. Healthy hair growth requires a clean scalp. If the follicle is clogged by baby powder or even the buildup of natural oils or dirt, the hair strand can shrink in diameter and even prevent new hair from growing.
Bottom line? Your hairdresser is the licensed and trained expert. Not the writers of the magazines or the friends who shell out hair advice. Ask your stylists… they have knowledge and experience, not myths.
Enjoy your hair!!!