'Tis the Season to Rock With Holiday Hairstyles

This is the time of year when we want our hair to look its absolute best.…

DIY Hair Coloring: Dream or Disaster?

You will see lots of chatter on the internet comparing DIY (do-it-yourself)…

Mickey's Advice for Stunning Hair Makeovers

There’s something transformative about the change of seasons. New schedules,…

Wear Glasses? Don't Let Your Hairstyle Fight With Your Frames

If you’re an eyeglass wearer, you’ll know that it’s not always easy to get the…

Mickey Bolek’s Summer Trend Alert!

When customers learn that I have been to a hair show or taken a continuing…

Going Gray? Make It Fabulous With Vibrant, Silvery Tones

Should I color my hair to cover the incoming gray? How can I go from color to…

Mickey Bolek: Why Top Hair Stylists Keep on Learning

I recently attended a business seminar at a local university. My attention was…

Mickey Bolek: Making Sense of Popular Hair Care Myths

Here at Micheal Anthony Salon there isn’t a day that goes by without a client…

Is a Pixie Cut Right For Me?

Pixie. If the name makes you think sweet and small, the modern versions of this…

Mickey Talks Hair Color: DIY vs. In-Salon Service

Lately, I have seen a lot of chatter on the internet comparing DIY…