We, along with other businesses, have been learning how to operate during this unprecedented pandemic. To say that it has been challenging would be an understatement. We appreciate everyone’s patience and compliance with the rules we have put in place to both protect the health of staff and clients and provide high-quality services in a comfortable atmosphere. We appreciate all the feedback; thankfully, the vast majority of it has been positive!
NOTE: Since this blog was originally published, the CDC and DC government have tightened restrictions once again in response to an uptick in COVID-19 cases. As of July 31, 2021 masks will once again be required inside stores, businesses, and other public venues in Washington, DC. In an abundance of caution, we had already decided to maintain our mask requirement (as you will read below), so this will not come as a step backwards for the salon. We will continue to keep you updated, and as always, our priority is one of safeguarding the health and confidence of our clients and our team. Thank you for your continuing patience and cooperation! We’ll get through this, together!
As you may know, the mandated restrictions on businesses in the District of Columbia have been lifted. While we are free to go back to “normal”, we have opted to take a more cautious approach and make gradual changes. The door has been unlocked during business hours, the curtains between stations have come down, expanded hours during COVID have been reduced, and the limit on the number of clients in the salon at one time has been raised (but not eliminated). We continue to have a limit on the number of people in the salon and schedule clients accordingly.
“…for now, the masks stay on…”
On masks, we have opted to keep our requirement for masks for the time being. While the CDC has said it is safe for fully vaccinated people to no longer wear masks inside, those who are not vaccinated are still advised to wear masks. We have considered vaccination card checks but, for a variety of reasons, we have not figured out a practical, efficient, respectful way to keep track of everyone’s vaccination status. We continue to consider this option and may implement something in the future.
We also have to factor in the space and time that clients are in the salon. With our limited space and the nature of the work we do, maintaining social distance is not possible. Given that most appointments are at least thirty minutes, with some taking several hours, and we do not know each client’s vaccination status, having everyone wear a mask helps maintain a safe environment.
Our policies will continue to evolve over time as conditions change – but, for now, the masks stay on, and we look forward to seeing everyone’s beautiful smiles again, soon!
Enjoy your hair,