As a hairdresser, I get asked a lot of the same questions over and over again. They are good questions.

Is my hair thinning?” “Am I going bald?” “Do you think my hairline is receding?”

When the answer to these questions is “Yes,”and sometimes it is – I want to give good information AND make sure the answer helps the client feel better. Today, I want to share some of what I tell people in the Salon, with even more of you who may also be wondering but haven’t yet asked.

Thinning or heavily shedding hair can be caused by many things. Our bodies change throughout our lives and this can change our hair. Hair can sometimes change texture and even go from straight to curly or vice versa. Some changes in the hair are perfectly normal and to be expected. We can help you with style and hair care to deal with some kinds of hair changes.

Diet can also play a role in hair loss. In my years of experience, I have witnessed clients who began intense diets or exercise programs to drop weight fast and have shed more hair than usual. Stress and childbirth can cause shedding as well. Hair loss from stress, diet, and childbirth are usually temporary and hair can grow back.

If you are experiencing hair loss there are many options to help. The easiest and most basic solution involves shampoos and conditioners that will cleanse your scalp to help promote healthy hair growth. Commercially-sold brands have additives that can sometimes limit their effectiveness. Talk with your stylist about the condition of your hair and scalp and see what they might have to say about the products available at the Salon. There just might be a solution for you.

I have yet to experience an over-the-counter hair product that grows hair on balding heads. Sorry! Wigs, toupees, and hair transplants are always an option.


Please contact us for an appointment to discuss your hair and scalp concerns. We love to answer your questions, and it is important to us that you get answers you can trust.

Enjoy your hair!